The Importance of a Tenancy Application Form
You should always use a comprehensive Tenancy Application Form, either a printed form which can be downloaded from this website or by directing prospective tenants to our online forms – see the Documents Section to download printed forms.
TenantVERIFY® application forms are some of the most comprehensive in the business developed over many years of experience, and our understanding of exactly the information you need to keep you safe.
The Tenancy Application Form is a very important starting point for any residential or commercial letting and by signing it, the prospective tenant gives you permission to carry our checks and referencing – this is a legal requirement. It also mean you can share the information with relevant third parties while meeting the requirements of the Data protection Act.
You should inform the prospective tenant that it is very important that all sections of the form are completed clearly and legibly, and that one form is needed for each adult occupant.
You should tell the prospect that the form should be returned as soon as possible so that references can be taken up quickly and a credit search carried out.
A Permanent Record
A tenant’s application form is the most important document after the letting or lease agreement itself.
The form records permanently the tenant’s personal information and includes a declaration of truth as to his or her identity, previous residences, employment history, income status, references, and personal details such as – Smoker? Pets? Other Occupants? Children? Country of Birth, and other important information.
It also confirms the tenant’s understanding of the basis of the letting contract: the type and length of the tenancy being entered into and the basic tenancy terms such as the costs and expenses to be paid before and during the tenancy including the rent, deposit required and any administration fees etc.
A Legal Document
The form has important legal implications as the basis of any future contract and provides all the information necessary for the tenant screening and verifying process.
The declaration means the prospective tenant confirms their understanding of the terms of the contract, that their information may be used for credit checks and referencing and in doing so may be shared with third parties.
By signing the form, and this can also be done electronically online, the prospective tenant confirms that the statements made and information supplied by them are accurate and truthful.
Tenancies obtained using false information can be terminated, so the form is crucial evidence in such a circumstance.
In case there’s trouble later
The form provides enough information to enable the landlord to contact the tenant or relatives in circumstances where a tenant absconds and cannot be found. It also provides a lot of useful information should you need to pursue a legal claim against the tenant at some future date
Some Useful Documents
See our User Guide here
Our Advice on Tenant Screening, a 20 point Checklist here